Guillaume's record:
round 4 - W, 2-1-0, vs. Dmitry L Olenin [RUS]
round 5 - W, 2-0-0, vs. Jan Doise [BEL]
round 6 - W, 2-1-0, vs. Olaf M Koster [NLD]
round 7 - L, 1-2-0, vs. Davy Loeb [POL]
round 8 - W, 2-1-0, vs. Márcio Carvalho [PRT]
round 9 - W, 2-0-0, vs. Lukas Tajak [DEU]
total matches: 5-1-0
total games: 11-5-0
Excellent job by Guillaume, X-1 in a new format proves he is still the greatest. Thumbs down to Davy Loeb, who probably cheats.
The round seven match with Márcio Carvalho was covered by André Coimbra. Here is what it looks like:
[Image stolen from]
Game one Márcio gets quick fliers and Biting Tether.
Game two Guillaume gets Incremental Blight and Twilight Shepherd.
Game three Guillaume gets Murderous Redcap and Incremental Blight.
The slow good cards are clearly superior to the fast blue/white deck. Wafo-Tapa defeats Carvalho.
André Coimbra writes good coverage and he points out Wafo-Tapa chose to play first instead of drawing first in Sealed. This isn't what I would have chosen, but Wafo-Tapa is a genius and he is probably right. From now on I will always choose to play first.
Some quotes:
Guillaume Wafo-tapa drew a card from Elsewhere Flask, which works as a "mana fixer" and a "cantrip", helping him to play his color intensive spells, as well as increasing the chances of drawing the best cards of the deck.
Márcio played Kinscaer harpoonist, which got tapped at his end of the turn by Niveous Wisps, showing once again how highly the French player values "cantrips" in the Sealed Deck format.
This makes perfect sense. I was never sure about cantrips in Sealed, because of potential mana-flood, but now they seem like a really good idea. Wafo-Tapa played cantrips early and then he drew all his good cards in time for the late game. Also it helped his three-colour mana base a lot.
Cards from Wafo-Tapa's sealed deck:
- Prison Term
- Wanderbrine Rootcutters
- Safehold Elite
- Steel of the Godhead
- Mistmeadow Skulk
- Incremental Blight
- Twilight Shepherd
- Elsewhere Flask
- Niveous Wisps
- Murderous Redcap
- Corrupt
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