Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Finally got around to hearing Rich Hagon's coverage of GP Vienna. Only two real mentions of Wafo-Tapa.

- In 128/6 = 8, starting in minute 33, Ben Coleman gives a rundown of Wafo-Tapa's loss to Robert Darnhofer. From the sound of it all games were quick. Game one Guillaume drew no defense, game two Darnhoffer had just a Lavamancer, and game three Darnhoffer got enough creatures through early. Nothing huge.

- In X-10 Dead, startomg in minute 8, Marijn Lybaert talks about Guillaume's match against Jan Doise. He says mostly things Tobias Henke reported, plus he sort of stressed how bad the Faeries matchup is for TEPS.

Wafo-Tapa also got talked about on Starcity (premium) lately.

- Mike Flores writes about Wafo-Tapa's Heartbeat deck from Valencia, specifically about playing it at GP Philadelphia. His main thing about the deck is that three-drops are hard to counter, but he took out some Search for Tomorrows and Wish targets to put in extra Brain Freeze. Hopefully this deck shows up at more PTQs; it seems at least like a better budget choice than Affinity.

- Pat Chapin posted a Faeries list that uses some of the tech from Wafo-Tapa's build (Oona's Blackguard, Rune Snag, Peppersmoke). But he also threatens Wafo-Tapa Faeries by posting a deck with Pyrohemia sideboard and Cloudthresher main.

Three decks that probably just came from Wafo-Tapa’s evil Magic Technology Factory in the South of France (as all good Magic Technology does)…
-Chapin's description of his own article

I bet Wafo-Tapa doesn’t have to deal with this kind of stuff…
-- Chapin's punchline to a story about girl problems

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